Wednesday 29 August 2018

Horse Clicks

I nearly forgot to make a card for Ikes Progressive challenge over on facebook! However, I got busy last night and created this - all digitally:

I used a CDRom that came free with a Quick Cards Made Easy magazine (I think), it might have been a free gift for having a letter published though. I made the sketch using 'elements' from the CD, alongside the progressive Ikes image of the horse. The text is WordArt. I did colour the image after printing, just using pens from my desk, so nothing posh.

I followed the sketch from Less is Moore

I would also like to enter:
notjustcards - Anything Goes
citycrafter #427 Click
modsquad - Anything Goes

I wanted to share some more pictures from Bristol Zoo - so first up is a pretty purple globe with bees:

Some butterflies (not easy to photograph mind)

And finally my Ratatouie (not selt right I know), using some of my home grown veggies :D
Thanks for looking - pop back tomorrow for information on a new challenge at Aud Sentiments,

Hugz Tinz


  1. Beautiful. Thanks for joining us at Not Just Cards.

  2. Fun card. Cool and creative take on our sketch. Thank you for joining us at Less is More. x


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