Tuesday 3 March 2020

Death of Rats

I started a cross stitch for my husband for Christmas but due to working extra hours beforehand I didn't actually get round to finishing it on time. However I have now managed to get it finished and gave it to him for Valentines Day instead.

This guy is from a Terry Pratchett book, which my hubby loves. It is a licensed design from the original artwork, and comes with a choice of eye colours to use.

I would like to enter this into the following challenges:
CountryView - The eyes have it
notjustcards - Anything Goes

And here are a couple of my tarantula pals - Aragog and Chewbacca

Thanks for looking,

Hugz Tinz


  1. Fantastic cross stitch piece. He makes me laugh..... is he actually holding his eyeballs ? LoL
    Not to keen on the hairy creepies thanks xoxo

  2. Great cross stitch - hubby will love it! Very cool spids - what kind are they? We used to have a Mexican Red Leg and a Costa Rican Zebra Spider - plus a few others I can't remember, Jo x

    1. Aragog is a H.villoselle (no common name), and Chewbacca is a Brazilian wooly black :D

  3. This is just brilliant! A very different and cool entry to our March "the eyes have it" challenge over at Country View Challenges. Thanks so much for joining us xx

  4. this is fabulous - love those eyes! Thanks for joining us at Countryview challenges and good luck! Hugs rachel xx


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