Thursday 27 June 2024

Pink, blue and yellow colour scheme

 Hi guys,

Our new challenge started yesterday over at I Love Promarkers. The optional theme for the next two weeks is to use the colours listed in my blog title. Check out the blog to see prize and sponsor information.

I have used Pretty Poseykin Troll  for my card.

The image was coloured using promarkers, then added to a yellow panel. This was layered onto a white base card with scalloped edges. I then added two yellow scalloped squares on two corners, one having a pink flower topper on it. To the other bottom corner I added a blue panel and a blue and pink swift topper. The sentiment can be added to the second yellow square.

I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:
MMM #228 Outdoor Summer fun
TIOT - Here comes summer
ATSM #471 Make your mark
SimonSaysWed - Anything Goes

Thanks for looking,

Hugz Tinz

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